明治30年代に形成された屯田兵村と神社の研究 : 北見・上湧別地域を例にして
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The result of our experiment clearly that the colonial militia who settled in Kitami and Kamiyubetsu basin in Meiji 30 era had the identification their the militia settlement of the new field. In this basin, each the militia settlement was formed by some small communities, which had a shrine. The colonial settelement in small communities built a new shrine there, though they have already built a shrine by Meiji Government in the militia settlement. Generally speaking, the shrine exploited raising militarism, however the shrine in small communities did not mean militarism because of looking their festival and to visit a shrine usually. Building a shine, a festival and usually visiting a shrine was a matter of course, but it disagreed with Meiji Government thought. The colonial settelement thought shrine support themselves. Finally speaking, the Meiji Government made nation the identification of state (militarism), result of history. In the research, the colonial militia in this basin had the identification their sm all community at first, next they had the identification of state.
- 2007-03-31
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