5軸制御工作機械による異形組合せ形状の加工 : 等勾配法における離散化処理について
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In Gradient Matching Method, if any two of three surfaces, a work surface, a tool edge surface and a tool path (tool movement) surface, are known, the remainder can be calculated analytically. The applied basic principle is that three contact planes to three surfaces (work, tool and tool movement surface) are identical with each other entirely at the point where a tool generates a work surface. The effect of tool movement is considered in initial formulation. Any tool edge profile (continuous profile and discrete data profile) can be applied. In this report, the calculation method to get the tool path surface is explained in the case that discrete work surface data and a continuous or discrete tool profile are given. The work surface is considered as the collection of many small triangular planes. A cutting point on the tool surface to generate a specific discrete point on the work surface is calculated and the tool position corresponding to the cutting point can be gotten.
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