- 論文の詳細を見る
Many years before, we started to examine the "Seabed quality" in many bays of Japan and to experiment about Weighing and Holding power of anchor in the same places. In this paper, the assessment of anchorage is shown on the basis of the above mentioned Seabed examinations and experiments on the holding power of anchor and anchor chain. A formula is mentioned below : Es=Ka+Kc where, Es is the Assessment number ; Ka is the Co-efficient of holding power of anchor ; Kc is the Co-efficient of holding power of cable. If the weight of anchor is known, we can assess the holding power of anchor simply by multiplying the anchor weight with the assessment number and at the same time, it is possible to know the holding power of two cables of anchor chain. By using the assessment numbers, we have made assessment maps of experimented bays. These assessment maps will help us to know about the proper anchoring places. Relative assessments also can be made with the help of these maps. These assessment maps show that the assessment numbers are higher at the entrance of each bay and gradually becomes smaller at the inside portion of the bay. So, from seabed quality and nature, it becomes clear that the places near the entrance of bay are good for anchoring than the distant inside areas. The experiment shows that the assessment numbers are almost same as muddy soil in four bays (Tokyo Bay, Ise Bay, Mikawa Bay and Osaka Bay).
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1992-03-25
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