- 論文の詳細を見る
We have conducted retrospective studies in the Japan Sea based on the historically collected oceanographic and biological observational data sets after the 1960s, aiming at elucidating mechanisms linking climate to marine ecosystem. This paper is to review the characteristics of the lower trophic level environments in the present Japan Sea, and responses of its lower trophic level ecosystem toward the decadal scale climatic forcing in the North Pacific, which are closely related to the Aleutian Low dynamics. One of our major findings was plankton phenology, the shift of its productive season, as an important mechanism of the decadal variation of the lower trophic level productivity. Plankton phenology was induced by combined effects of wintertime cooling (warming) and springtime warming (cooling) after the 1976 (1988) associated with intensification (weakening) of the Aleutian Low. The Japan Sea is called a "miniature ocean" holding characteristics of the great ocean in spite of its small area and semi-closed feature. We expect that knowledge on ecosystem change mechanisms in the Japan Sea obtained in these studies will be a clue for better understanding of climate-ecosystem interaction in the whole North Pacific.
- 2007-10-15
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