顔の時系列変化が表情認知に及ぼす効果 : モーフィング動画像と実動画像(<特集>高次視覚における認知と理解)
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We conducted two experiments to investigate the effects on the recognition of facial expressions in a time-series of facial expression changes. Ten subjects participated in each experiment. They were asked to judge the facial expression (either smiling or sad) by 2AFC. In Experiment 1 recognition of the morphed and actual dynamic images was compared. The results indicated that the accuracy was approximately 100%, and there was no difference in the reaction time. In Experiment 2 we degraded the image quality of the stimuli. The accuracy was then lower for the morphed images than for the actual images and the reaction time was longer for the morphed images. The results demonstrated that the effects of changes in facial expression in a time-series are observed only when the quality of the dynamic images is degraded. We hypothesize that minute dynamic facial changes influence the recognition of the facial expressions.
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 2007-09-30
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