Microwave Absorption of Surface-State Electrons on Liquid ^3He(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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We have investigated the intersubband transitions of surface-state electrons (SSE) on liquid ^3He induced by microwave radiation at temperatures from 1.1K down to 0.01K. Above 0.4K, the transition linewidth is proportional to the density of ^3He vapor atoms. This proportionality is explained well by Ando's theory, in which the linewidth is determined by the electron-vapor atom scattering. However, the linewidth is larger than the calculated result by a factor of 2.1. This discrepancy strongly indicates that the theory underestimates the electron-vapor atom scattering rate. At lower temperatures, the absorption spectrum splits into several peaks. The multiple-peak structure is partly attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity of the static holding electric field perpendicular to the electron sheet.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2007-09-15
Konstantinov Denis
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory Riken
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory, RIKEN
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory, RIKEN
Department of Physics, Keio University
KONO Kimitoshi
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory, RIKEN
Kono Kimitoshi
Konstantinov Denis
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory
Kono Kimitoshi
Low Temperature Physical Laboratory Riken
Isshiki Hanako
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory Riken:department Of Physics Keio University
Akimoto Hikota
Low Temperature Physics Laboratory Riken
Shirahama Keiya
Department Of Physics Keio University
Shirahama Keiya
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
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