Bi-maximal Neutrino Mixings and Texture Zeros(Review and progress reports,Flavor Mixing, CP Violation and Origin of Matter)
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- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 2003-01-20
TANIMOTO Morimitsu
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Tanimoto Morimitsu
Department Of Physics Ehime University
Tanimoto M
Department Of Physics Niigata University
- Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries in Particle Physics
- Criticality and Averaging in Cosmology
- S_4 Flavor Model of Quarks and Leptons(Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model)
- S_4 Flavor Symmetry of Quarks and Leptons in SU (5) GUT(Particles and Fields)
- Can Symmetric Texture Reproduce the Unitarity Triangle and m_b/m_T?(Particles and Fields)
- CP Violation in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-MSSM and Electric Dipole Moments
- Symmetric Mass Matrix with Two Zeros in SUSY SO(10) GUT, Lepton Flavor Violations and Leptogenesis(Particles and Fields)
- The Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices with the Fourth Generation and the Renormalization Group Equations : Particles and Fields
- Quark Mass Hierarchy, FCNC and CP Violation in a Seesaw Model : Particles and Fields
- Multiple Scattering Effects on the Composite Model for KN and K^^-N Elastic and Charge-Exchange Processes
- Bi-maximal Neutrino Mixings and Texture Zeros(Review and progress reports,Flavor Mixing, CP Violation and Origin of Matter)
- Semileptonic decays of heavy flavored hadrons in the heavy quark effective theory
- Deviation from Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing in A_4 Flavor Symmetry(Particles and Fields)
- Neutron electric dipole moment in two Higgs doublet model.
- Charged Higgs Effects in Inclusive and Exclusive Weak Radiative B-Decays : Particles and Fields
- Fourth Generation of Quarks and CP Violation in Neutral K and B Systems : Particles and Fields
- Phenomenological Lepton Mass Matrix
- K-Meson Spectroscopy in the Static Limit of s-Quark : Particles and Fields
- Semileptonic Decays of Atomlike Hadrons in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory : Particles and Fields
- Ψ Production and Quark Energy Distribution in Hadrons
- Hadroproduction of Heavy Mesons and QCD Effect on Scale Breaking
- Quark Jet Model and Total Cross Section in Photon-Nucleon Scattering
- Large p_T Inclusive Photoproduction and Hard Scattering Model
- On the Determination of the Ratios of Quark Fragmentation Functions by Inclusive Electro-Pion-Production Experiments
- On the Determination of the Ratios of Quark Fragmentation Functions in Inclusive Electroproduction
- Slepton Mass Matrices, μ→eγ Decay and EDM in SUSY S_4 Flavor Model(Particles and Fields)
- Total Cross Sections of Hadron Collisions
- Analysis of the Decays N^* → ρN in the Naive Quark Model
- pp Elastic Scattering in NAL and ISR Energy Regions and Multiple Scattering in the Composite Model
- Breaking Tri-Bimaximal Mixing and Large θ_(Particles and Fields)
- Prediction on CP Violation in Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments : Particles and Fields
- Generic Relations of Flavor Mixings between Leptons and Quarks in SU(5)
- A Note on the Higher Order Contributions to Urbaryon Rearrangement Amplitudes
- Like-Sign Dimuon Asymmetry of B^0 Meson and LFV in SU(5) SUSY GUT with S_4 Flavor Symmetry(Particles and Physics)
- Direct CP Violation of b → sγ and CP Asymmetries of Non-Leptonic B Decays in Squark Flavor Mixing(Particles and Fields)