Study of Resonant Structure with the Complex-Scaled Jost Function Method (不安定核の構造と反応)
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We study resonant structures of unstable nuclei with a new calculational method, the Jost function method (JFM). In JFM, bound, scattering and resonant states are obtained within an unified way. We show that partial decay widths in coupled-channel systems can be obtained by using JFM. Further, JFM has an ability to solve virtual states. As a practical example, we study virtual states in ^5He and ^<10>Li with the core+n model.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 2000-11-20
KATO Kiyoshi
Division of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
IKEDA Kiyomi
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
升井 洋志
Myo Takayuki
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Ikeda Kiyomi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research(riken)
升井 洋志
AOYAMA Shigeyoshi
Information Processing Center, Kitami Institute of Technology
Aoyama Shigeyoshi
Information Processing Center Kitami Institute Of Technology
Kato K
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Kato Kiyoshi
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
KATO Kiyoshi
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Homeostatic Regulation and Development, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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- Tensor Correlation in ^4He and Its Effect on the Doublet Splitting in ^5He(Nuclear Physics)
- Coulomb Breakup Reactions in Complex-Scaled Solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger Equation(Nuclear Physics)
- 22pZD-9 中性子過剰sd殼領域におけるIsスプリッティングに対するテンソル力の影響のハートリー・フォック計算による研究(不安定核,22pZD 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,実験核物理領域)
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- Study of Resonant Structure with the Complex-Scaled Jost Function Method (不安定核の構造と反応)
- Systematic Study of ^Li with the Tensor and Pairing Correlations(Nuclear Physics)
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- Continuum Level Density of a Coupled-Channel System in the Complex Scaling Method(Nuclear Physics)
- 25pTC-10 Coupled Channel Orthogonality Conditon Model in Jost Function Method
- 24PTB-11 ^4He+n,^9Li+n,^9C+pにおけるs-wave poleの散乱断面積への寄与
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- 1aSE-13 Study of virtual and resonant states in ^5He and ^Li
- 30p-YF-3 Complex Scaled Jost Function MethodによるMulti Channelの系での共鳴状態の研究
- Resonance and Continuum Components of the Strength Function
- Study of the tensor correlation in light nuclei using the charge- and parity-projected Hartree-Fock method(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Tensor Correlation in ^4He with the Tensor-Optimized Shell Model(Nuclear Physics)
- Explicit Treatment of the Tensor Force with the Method of Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics(Nuclear Physics)
- Study for properties of unbound states with cluster-orbital shell model approach(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- The Complex Scaling Method for Many-Body Resonances and Its Applications to Three-Body Resonances
- Analysis of ^11Be in the ^10Be + n Model
- Coupled Channel ^9Li+n+n Model of ^11Li
- Study of the s-Wave Properties for ^10Li through the Analysis of the Break-Up Reaction
- The Exotic Clustering and Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations in Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei
- Three-Body Cluster Resonances in ^11Li and ^10He
- Beyond the Core+n+n Model Based on the Complex Scaling Method
- Analysis of ^Be in the ^Be+n Model
- Coupled Channel ^9Li+n+n Model of ^Li
- Study of the s-Wave Properties for ^Li through the Analysis of the Break-Up Reaction
- The Exotic Clustering and Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations in Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei
- Three-Body Cluster Resonances in ^Li and ^He
- Extended ^9Li+n+n Three-Body Model of ^Li with a Pairing Correlation in ^9Li
- The Binding Mechanism and a Low-Lying Resonance in ^Li
- Molecular-Orbital Structure in Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei
- Three-Body Binding and Resonant Mechanisms in Neutron-Rich Light Nuclei Far from Stability Line : Pairing Correlation in Borromean Nuclei
- Dynamical Effects on the ^9Li-n Interaction Induced by Pauli Blocking of the J^π = 0^+ pairing Correlation : Nuclear Physics
- A Study of the Binding Mechanism of ^Li by the ^9Li + n + n Model
- Study of the s-Wave Virtual State in ^Li with the Jost Function Method
- Level Density in the Complex Scaling Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Study of the s-Wave Virtual State in ^10Li with the Jost Function Method
- Study of Resonance States in a Coupled-Channel System with the Jost Function Method Applying the Orthogonality Condition Model(Nuclear Physics)
- Study of Resonance States in a Coupled-Channel System with the Jost Function Method Applying the Orthogonality Condition Model
- Radiative Capture Cross Section for ^O(n,γ)^O and ^O(p,γ)^F below Astrophysical Energies(Nuclear Physics)
- Matrix Elements of Physical Quantities Associated with Resonance States : Nuclear Physics
- Partial Decay Widths in Coupled-Channel Systems with the Complex-Scaled Jost Function Method
- Sum Rule Values with Respect to Unbound States in the Complex Scaling Method : Nuclear Physics
- Two-neutron correlations in 6He in a Coulomb breakup reaction
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- Three-body Resonances in Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei
- Description of Nuclear Structures with Brueckner-AMD plus J^π Projection(Nuclear Physics)
- The description of nuclear structures with the Brueckner-AMD(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Brueckner-AMD Method and Its Applications to Light Nuclei
- Analysis of n + 6Li Reactions Using the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Method
- 16aSF-5 Cluster-orbital shell modelにおけるコア励起のモデル化と価核子の影響(16aSF 中性子過剰核(I),理論核物理領域)
- 17pSF-6 テンソル最適化少数系模型によるs-shell原子核の研究(17pSF 少数多体系,理論核物理領域)
- 18aSG-6 ラムダ・シグマ結合をあらわに取り入れたs殼ラムダハイパー核のTOSMによる計算(18aSG 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,ハイパー核・ストレンジネス(合同)I,実験核物理領域)
- 16aSF-1 He同位体におけるテンソル力の働きと高運動量成分(16aSF 中性子過剰核(I),理論核物理領域)
- Analysis of n + ^6Li Reactions Using the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Method
- 複素座標スケーリング法を用いた散乱状態の記述と2中性子ハロー核のクーロン分解反応への適用(基研研究会「微視的核反応理論による物理」,研究会報告)
- Level Density in Complex Scaling Method〔和文〕 (原子核の量子トンネル崩壊現象)
- Tensor Correlation in ^4He with the Tensor-Optimized Shell Model
- Systematic Study of ^Li with the Tensor and Pairing Correlations
- Coulomb Breakup Reactions in Complex-Scaled Solutions of the Lippmann-Schwinger Equation
- The Complex Scaling Method for Many-Body Resonances and Its Applications to Three-Body Resonances
- Wavelength Tunable UV Dye Laser Pumped by the Fourth Harmonic of Nd:YAG Laser
- Resonance and Continuum Components of the Strength Function
- Level Density in the Complex Scaling Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Tensor Correlation in ^4He and Its Effect on the Doublet Splitting in ^5He(Nuclear Physics)