Faster than Lyapunov decays of classical Loschmidt echo (量子力学とカオス--基礎的問題からナノサイエンスまで)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。We show that the composition of perturbed forward and unperturbed backward hamiltonian evolution can be treated as a time-dependent hamiltonian system. For strongly chaotic systems we derive a cascade of exponential decays for the classical Loschmidt echo, starting with the leading Lyapunov exponent, followed by a sum of two largest exponents, etc.
- 物性研究刊行会の論文
- 2004-08-20
Prosen Tomaz
Physics Department Fmf University Of Ljubljana
Prosen Tomaz
Physics Department Faculty Of Mathematics And Physics University Of Ljubljana
Veble Gregor
Physics Department Fmf University Of Ljubljana:center For Applied Mathematics And Theoretical Physic
- Uni-directional transport in billiards
- Theory of Quantum Loschmidt Echoes
- Theory of Quantum Loschmidt Echoes
- Quantum fidelity decay of classically integrable dynamics with vanishing time averaged perturbation
- Faster than Lyapunov decays of classical Loschmidt echo (量子力学とカオス--基礎的問題からナノサイエンスまで)
- Faster than Lyapunov decays of classical Loschmidt echo (数理科学的考察・量子情報理論、生物学)