- 論文の詳細を見る
A questionnaire survey on eating habits was conducted for 270 mothers of children of two elementary schools in June and July of 2005. On the basis of the survey into the current status of eating habits of these mothers and children, the background factors of the mothers' eating habit were investigated with it resulted in the findings below. 1) Mothers were particularly concerned about hygiene and the safety of foods in food preparation. 2) Mothers satisfied with their daily diet tended to see themselves as being healthy and sleeping well, and not only had higher interest in food and health but also spent more time having meals with their children. 3) Covariance structure analysis of the background factors of the mothers' eating habits made clear that the pleasure of meals for the mothers and children was derived from their having meals together. 4) The "pleasure of meals" affected the mothers' "consideration for meals, " "positive attitude to cooking, " and "appetite." Thus the pleasure of having meals together with their children affects to make the mother's eating habit motivational, which is considered to suggest the importance of having meals together at home.
- 県立長崎シーボルト大学の論文
武藤 慶子
中 淑子
武藤 慶子
武藤 慶子
道辻 彩
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