- 論文の詳細を見る
The passage of the marine evacuation system (MES) is provided with so that persons may descend safely from the embarkation station to the floating platform. The types of the passage have inclined slide and vertical chute. In addition, a vertical type has the spiral and zigzag. Three types manufactured in Japan were used and the research was done from 1993 to 1996. The first point of the research purpose is to obtain the relation between the descending speed and the acceleration tolerance value. The second point is to solve a problem which of the descent examination by the subject or dummy should be done. The third point is to discuss a method of the measurement and the evaluation. The research result is summarized as follows. 1) Even when subjects received such the impact acceleration which exceeds 20g in the descent examination, their body were not injured. This reason is to be provided for the cushion being composed of the floor made of the synthetic rubber and the sea water by the floating platform. 2) In the subject examination, the acceleration value varies by the method of applying the brake, the descending posture and the human body characteristic. In the dummy examination, because the descending speed and posture and structural materials are constant, the variations of acceleration value are few. And, this result is the average value to the subject's result. The clear conclusion whether either examination was proper was not obtained. However, the impact acceleration measurement system developed as a data logger of a portable type can easily do either examination. 3) The acceleration measured at all examinations complies to Einband's tolerance value and the Japanese standard of MES. This standard is becomes a standard to demand safety compared with Einband's tolerance value and an appropriate evaluation method.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1997-03-25
山根 健次
樋富 和夫
樋富 和夫
吉田 紘二郎
山根 健次
板垣 恒男
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