荷役機器の信頼性・保全性からみたコンテナターミナルの生産性向上に関する研究 : ガントリクレーンの信頼性・保全性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The failure of cargo handling equipments could cause ship's delay. This not only makes low quality of service for shipping companies and consignors but also brings economic damage to the terminal operating company. In addition, there are efforts among concerned organizations including the government bodies, harbor transportation companies, container operation companies and so on, to enhance competitiveness of Japanese ports. One of methods to strengthen the competitiveness is to open terminals 24 hours. It could leads to using gantry cranes harder and longer as result. So important the crane's reliability, with no or less failure, and maintainability, with less repairing time. This time, to study the maintenance system to prevent ship's delay due to crane's failure, firstly we started collecting maintenance data to analyze. It took two and half years to obtain. Now we have figured out the reliability and maintainability. And we have considered the availability factor for the gantry crane.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 2005-03-25
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