- 論文の詳細を見る
The present report shows that "casualty quantity" is obtained by the product of gross tonnage, rescue distance and the number of rescue boats, and that "salvage range" can be defined by the casualty quantity. This quantity consists of three factors : aided or rescued vessels, unaided vessels entering inward and vessels of total loss, according as the types of marine accidents requiring rescue, and the salvage range is determined by the threshold distances of dividing equally cumulative distribution values concerning the above three quantities. The graphs of casualty quantity according as time series and salvage ranges reflects the characteristics of the marine accidents in the latter half of the twentieth century in Japan. From a big point of view, three kinds of casualty quantity increased in proportion to the marine traffic reconstruction after the World War II, and locally, the quantity of aided or rescued vessels and that of total loss vessels was increasing with the decrease of the quantity of unaided vessels entering inward, in accordance with the basic correlation among three kinds of casualty quantity. The characteristics of salvage range in each half decadal period from 1958 to 2002 shows that the max. is at the 1988-92 period, and the min. is at the 1993-97 period, while the salvage operations has become closer to coasts because the lower threshold of the ranges has been decreasing since the 1978-82 period.
- 2005-03-25
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