19世紀フランス建築装飾における装飾家および産業芸術家の役割に関する研究 : 彫刻家ジュール・クラッグマンの事例を通して
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This study tries to reveal the role of the ornemanistes and the artistes industriels in the architectural decorations in nineteenth century France. Analysis of their function shows that they both had an important role as a creator of the models. While artistes industriels, however, worked for the manufacturers, ornemanistes collaborated with other artists and craftsmen. The works of the sculptor Jules Klagmann in nineteenth century, would be examined as a case study which specifically shows the role of the two professions in this periode.
- 2007-09-30
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- 19世紀フランス建築装飾における装飾家および産業芸術家の役割に関する研究 : 彫刻家ジュール・クラッグマンの事例を通して
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