OE-232 Can Renal Fractional Flow Reserve Predict BP Response after Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty(peripheral circulation/Vascular disease-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2007-03-01
Choi Dong-joo
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Chung Woo-Young
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular center, Seoul National University Bund
Cho Young-Seok
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular center, Seoul National University Bund
Chae In-Ho
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular center, Seoul National University Bund
Choi Dong-Joo
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Kim Kwang-II
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Kim Yong-Seok
Seoul National University Hospital
Jang Hyuk-Jae
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Cardiovascular Center
Chae In-ho
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Chae In-ho
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Choi Yun
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Cho Young-seok
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
Chung Woo-young
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Kim Kwang-il
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
Cho Young-seok
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
Kim Yong-jin
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Kim Kwang-il
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Choi Dong-ju
Bundang Hospital College Of Medicine Seoul National University
CHO Young-Seok
Jeju self-government province
Kim Yong-jin
Division Of Cardiology Yeungnam University Medical Center
Kim Yong-seok
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Cardiovascular Center
Choi Dong-ju
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
Chae In-ho
Seoul National University College Of Medicine Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Bundan
Kim Kwang-il
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine
Cho Young-seok
Department Of Internal Medicine Seoul National University College Of Medicine Seoul National Univers
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