インタラクティブなWeb教材によるフランス語聴解学習 : 演繹的フィードバックと帰納的フィードバック
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Taking into account the importance of feedback argued among researchers on second language acquisition, we developed a web-based program. The program can provide an immediate feedback after the learner's response to listening exercises, and promote individual learning. In this paper, the program provides two types of feedback : one is to explain a target phonological rule (i.e., deductive feedback); and the other is to present two examples including the target rule, and ask the learner to find the rule (i.e., inductive feedback). We performed an experiment to determine which feedback was more effective in French listening task. The results of the study indicate that the inductive feedback program is more effective in retention than the deductive feedback program, but that the learners who received the latter evaluated it more highly.
- 上智大学の論文
上智大学 | 論文
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