メディア・リテラシーと開発教育の観点を取り入れたイギリスの時事問題学習 : 開発教育プロジェクト「グローバル・エクスプレス」を事例として
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論文 (Article)"Global Express aims to enable young people to gain a greater understanding of the context in which news stories from the developing world happen and to build links between their experience of life and their understanding of development issues." (Global Express site, http : //www.dep.org.uk/globalexpress/) The contents of this research consist of three parts : (1) identifying what is the Global Express, (2) anlysing what a kind of topics it has and what is standards of decision-making for Global Express topics among every edition from 1st to 42nd, and, (3) examining the possibility of critical thinking based Current Issues Studies through the case study of the 34th edition of Global Express about Iraq War 2002.
- 同志社女子大学の論文
- 2006-12-25
- 安井俊夫著, 『戦争と平和の学びかた-特攻隊からイラク戦争まで』, 明石書店刊, 2008年, 105頁, 2,625円(税込)
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- メディア・リテラシーと開発教育の観点を取り入れたイギリスの時事問題学習 : 開発教育プロジェクト「グローバル・エクスプレス」を事例として