- 論文の詳細を見る
A total of 157 junior high school students (80 boys and 77 girls) in Wakayama City were surveyed by questionnaire about their dietary and lifestyle habits. Responses were summarized as follows : 1. There were many life style issues that needed improvment including bedtime after 1 : 00 am, low frequency of breakfast and low frequency of vegetable and fruit intake. 2. There were many students with symptoms of atopic dermatitis or nasal inflamation and complaints of stiff back, lumbago, fatigue, exhaution, lack of concentrate, irritation and angry mood. 3. When the frequency of breakfast par week was low, the number of days of absence from school per year increased and the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness increased. When the intake of soft drink was high, concentration decreased. 4. In this investigation, the intake of 19 micronutrients (K, Mg, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Carotene, V. D, V. K, niacin, V. B_6, V. B_<12>, folic acid, pantothenic acid, V. A, V. E, V. C, V. B_1) in dietary foods affects the mental and physical condition. It is suggested that suitable changes in life style, dietary habits and food intake would improve mental and physical health.
- 和歌山大学の論文
- 2007-02-28
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