環境管理分野での青年海外協力隊政策の現状 : 中米グアテマラにおける森林管理協力事業を事例として
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After obtaining the Msc in forest ecology, the author participated in forest management cooperation in Guatemala as a 2-year volunteer in the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV). The present administration of JOCV in cooperation with Japanese ODA activity suffers from a number of problems, including sectional divisions among administrative organizations, lack of monitoring by specialists, a weak presence of Japanese civilian control, and absence of Japanese political leadership. In this environment, JOCV environmental projects are unable to function effectively from the points of view of scientific accuracy, economic and financial efficiency, or political and cultural relations. The theme of the present analysis is to address these problems.
- 2007-06-30
- 環境管理分野での青年海外協力隊政策の現状 : 中米グアテマラにおける森林管理協力事業を事例として
- 国際協力のフロントにて 中米グアテマラ国トトニカパン県における山火事の状況と対策並びに今後の山火事対策分野の国際協力への提言