Keynote Lecture in the 13th Japanese Society of Immunotoxicology (JSIT 2006) : Pathophysiological Development and Immunotoxicology: what we have found from research related to silica and silicate such as asbestos(<Special Issue>Report of the 13th Annual M
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Silica and silicates may disturb immune functions such as autoimmunity and tumor immunity, because people who are exposed to the materials sometimes develop autoimmune and malignant diseases, respectively. Although silica-induced disorders of autoimmunity have been explained as adjuvant-type effects of silica, more precise analyses are needed and should reflect the recent progress in immunomolecular findings. A brief summary of our investigations related to the immunological effects of silica/asbestos is presented. Recent advances in immunomolecular studies led to detailed analyses of the immunological effects of asbestos and silica. Both affect immuno-competent cells and these effects may be associated with the pathophysiological development of complications in silicosis and asbestos-exposed patients such as the occurrence of autoimmune disorders and malignant tumors, respectively. In addition, immunological analyses may lead to the development of new clinical tools for the modification of the pathophysiological aspects of diseases such as the regulation of autoimmunity or tumor immunity using cell-mediated therapies, various cytokines, and molecule-targeting therapies. In particular, as the incidence of asbestos-related malignancies is increasing and such malignancies have been a medical and social problem since the summer in 2005 in Japan, efforts should be focused on developing a cure for these diseases to eliminate the nation wide anxiety about these malignancies.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The U
Miura Yoshie
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yamanashi Medical University
Miura Yoshie
Division Of Molecular And Clinical Genetics Department Of Molecular Genetics Medical Institute Of Bi
Miura Yoshie
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Yamanashi Medical University
Department of Hygiene, Kawasaki Medical School
MAEDA Megumi
Department of Hygiene, Kawasaki Medical School
DONG Maolong
Department of Hygiene, Kawasaki Medical School
Department of Hygiene, Kawasaki Medical School
Dong Maolong
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School:department Of Plastic Surgery Kawasaki Medical School
Dong Maolong
川崎医科大学 衛生学
Otsuki T
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Otsuki Takemi
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Hayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Uni
Maeda Megumi
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Maeda Megumi
Department Of Biofunctional Chemistry Division Of Bioscience Graduate School Of Natural Science And
Department of Hygiene, Kawasaki Medical School
Nishimura Yasumitsu
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Murakami Shuko
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Hayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Hygiene Kawasaki Medical School
Miura Yoshie
Department Of Biofunctional Chemistry Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama Univ
Hayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Science The Univ
Hayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Agricultural Cheinistry Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Tokyo
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