Quantitative evaluation of the counterbalance between photosynthetic stimulation and depression caused by low partial pressure of O_2 and CO_ 2 in alpine atmospheres
- 論文の詳細を見る
To evaluate the effects of low atmospheric pressure on leaf photosynthesis, we compared the photosynthesis of identical leaves of Fagus crenata at lowland (0 m a.s.l.) and at highland (2360 m a.s.l.). At the high altitude, the atmospheric pressure and partial pressure of CO_2 at intercellular air spaces in the leaf (C_<i360>) decreased to 77% and 78% of those at the low altitude, respectively. On the other hand, the efficiency of photosynthetic CO_2-utilization was apparently higher at the high altitude because of a mitigation of the O_2-inhibition of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) under low ambient partial pressure of O_2. This stimulation of photosynthesis partly compensated a photosynthetic depression due to the low C_<i360>, and the net assimilation rate (A_<n360>) at the high altitude retained 94% of the value at the low altitude. A theoretical model indicated that the stimulation of photosynthesis at high altitudes depend on internal conductance (g_i) and/or on Rubisco content. The model demonstrated that low atmospheric pressure at high altitudes caused severe restrictions of photosynthesis when leaves had a small g_i and/or a large amount of Rubisco, whichever are repeatedly reported in alpine plants.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
SAKATA Tsuyoshi
Biological Laboratory, Center for Natural Sciences, Kitasato University
Biological Laboratory, Center for Natural Sciences, Kitasato University
Sakata Tsuyoshi
Biological Laboratory Center For Natural Sciences College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Kitasato Univ
Yokoi Yota
Biological Laboratory Center For Natural Sciences College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Kitasato Univ
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan Un
Kachi N
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Univ
Kachi Naoki
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate Schools Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Uni
Kachi Naoki
Global Environment Research Division The National Institute For Environmental Studies
可知 直毅
Kachi Naoki
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Univ
Sakata Tsuyoshi
Biological Laboratory Center For Natural Science Kitasato University
Kachi Naoki
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Metropolitan Univ
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