狩野元信筆白鶴美術館蔵「四季花鳥図屏風」における理想郷 : 浄土および現実の庭の要素をてがかりに
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The standing screens on the title is the oldest work extant of KANO Motonobu's work as folding screens of thick colored flowers and birds with golden background. This thesis designates that the scenery and the motif of the work are in correspondence with both descriptions of the scenery of Pure Land in several Buddhist scriptures and the design of actual gardens. Firstly, a peacock on the right hand screen is focused to indicate the bird connotes the elements of auspicious birds in Buddhism, such as Mahamayuri and Kalavinka. Secondly, the elements of the scenery in the work, such as the four seasons at the same time - the depiction of perpetuity - and the existence of a pond, are identified with the description of Pure Land in Kwan-mu-liang-shou-ching and Ta-wuliang-shou-ching. These elements of the garden in the work are placed similarly to the Pure Land style gardens, which are illustrated in "Center and Surrounds of Kyoto" (Rakuchu-rakugai Zu)'s. In consideration of the above factors, the conclusion that, in the work, KANO Motonobu succeeded to portray the ideal garden by combining the scenery of Pure Land and that of actual gardens, is drawn.
- 2005-12-31
論文 | ランダム
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