- 論文の詳細を見る
The Internet is recognized as an important communication method because Internet has been very popular for the last decade and can be used everywhere. Huge amount of information is accumulated on the Internet, but it is not easy to search for and access to what is really necessary. Although some searching engines are offered to assist to get correct information, it often takes much time to access them. Many local governments have subsidies for installation of rainwater use facilities and some of them open information about their subsidies on web sites to further promote rainwater use. They are very important to be known widely. In this paper, a tentative database system was designed and created, which can assist anybody who wants to know information about subsidies for rainwater use to search for and access to them easily. It can offer information about available facilities, total and upper limit of subsidies, enquiry etc. that are decided based on the result of analyzing information collected from the Internet. It has some choices in each item which user have to select for searching but it has a simple interface that enable user to easily select adequate ones by using a mouse.
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