拡張現実感フレームワークの構築と知的キャラクタエージェントへの応用(セッション(6) : 一般)
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One new virtual world "The Net World" is being born while the foundation of global transmission of information called Internet is being established. The technology which combines the virtual world and the real world where humans live is developing in recent years because of pioneering of new field "mobile, wearable or ubiquitous computing". Uniting two worlds has the potential to make the real world more comfortable and "Augmented Reality (AR)" technique is especially useful for it. However, the infrastructure to greet the AR world in the near future is not constructed at present. This paper describes how to construct "AR World Framework" that is the understructure of AR world to combine virtual world and real world by using AR technique. It is possible to embed virtual objects in the real world, control objects according to user's behaviors and link actual objects and Web information. Moreover, this paper proposes "Intelligent Character Agent" as an application over the AR World Framework. It is an animated CG character like "Tinkerbell" for autonomous human support that offers appropriate information to users by interacting with users.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2004-03-08
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- 拡張現実感フレームワークの構築と知的キャラクタエージェントへの応用(セッション(6) : 一般)