- 論文の詳細を見る
Infants go through an important process of understanding the universality and invitability of death. Thus, educator of young children must have knowledge about the children's development of the views of life and death. The authors of this paper have conducted the series of educational sessions titled "Exploring Life and Death" twice before, targeting the volunteer students in the ECE at the Ryujo College. This year, based on this experience, we had more number of sessions and tried to inform them about the foregoing studies about children's views of life and death and effectiveness of picture books as teaching materials. The program consisted not only of lectures but also questionaires and group works so that the students could actively participate. This paper, due to the schedule of the program, discuss about five sessions over nine. Though some students didn't even have any clear purpose of attending the program, they seem to realize that the "education of life and death" as a "stock" for establishing the view of life and death is needed and that one way of this education would be reading various picture books depend on children's developmental stage and their personal experience.
- 2006-12-20
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