Prospect of Manufacturing and Design Based on Physiological Polymorphism
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Modern manufacturing and design should satisfy not only the requirements of high cost performance but also of the user. Besides that, the social environment which surrounds manufacturing is rapidly changing depending on new technologies. To create future products with user satisfaction, the effective use of human physiological data is essential. This is where knowledge of physiological anthropology can be applied. Physiological anthropologists have been pointing out a limit to the interpretation of the physiological data based on its average value. They have begun to notice that the physiological functions of humans show various types according to the blended effect of heredity and the surroundings. Adequate consideration of physiological polymorphism is indispensable to accomplish manufacturing that is well devised for human. In this study the concept of manufacturing and design based on physiological polymorphism is expressed. The target and the methodology for new manufacturing are discussed in seven fields, that is, welfare equipment, clothes, artificial tissue, sporting gear, furniture, building materials, and human interface. Through the above discussion, a procedure to achieve manufacturing and design based on physiological polymorphism is proposed.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Hokkaido University
SATO Masahiko
Nagasaki Junior College
佐藤 方彦
佐藤 方彦
佐藤 方彦
Shimomura Yoshihiro
Chiba University
Kudo Susumu
Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Sako Hideki
Shizuoka University Of Art And Culture
Nakamura Masashi
Kyoto University
Fuwa Teruhiko
Polytechnic University
Iwasaki Fusako
Bunka Women's University
Iwasaki Fusako
Bunka Women's University
Nakamura Masashi
京都大学 大学院農学研究科
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