29 タンカー及びバルクキャリアの船体縦曲げ最終強度推定における不確定性評価に関する研究
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An estimation method of the uncertainties in the prediction of the ultimate longitudinal strength of tanker and bulk carrier has been proposed for the purpose of more accurate structural reliability analysis in Ultimate Limit State. A series of non-linear FEM analysis for cross section of ship's hull extending one transverse frame spacing was carried out and the ultimate longitudinal strength was obtained in both sagging and hogging conditions. By systematically changing the thickness, material yielding stress and Young's modulus of the FE model, the uncertainties in ultimate longitudinal strength due to the variation of material properties have been examined. Secondly, the shape and magnitude of initial deflections in stiffened panels due to welding have been systematically changed with the thickness, material yielding stress and Young's modulus taken as constants with mean values and the uncertainties in ultimate longitudinal strength due to the variation of a set of initial deflections have been examined. Further, the uncertainties due to modeling have been also examined based on the comparison of the FEM results using stiffened panel model with fine mesh division and coarse mesh one. Finally, by summarizing the obtained results, an estimation method of the uncertainties in the prediction of the ultimate longitudinal strength of tanker and bulk carrier by using non-linear FEM has been proposed.
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