若年労働者の入職経路依存性 : 教育経歴・入職経歴がその後の就業状態に与える影響
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This article focuses on the path dependency in the young labor market by using micro-data of 4,159 new employees in 994 companies.In this article, the following findings are revealed: (a) path dependency factors such as educational background and transitional process (School-to-work) influence the separation rate of young employees and current evaluations at each company; (b) the tendencies of the path dependency are different between high school graduates and university (including technical and junior college, graduate school) graduates, (c) in the higher education sector, the impact of the path dependency factors on the evaluation are more effective than others, (d) in high school graduates case the separation rate is influenced by educational backgrounds, whereas the separation rate is affected by the path backgrounds in university graduates.
- 湘北短期大学の論文