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When I repair it while using a building, as for the outbreak of the noise and vibration in quakeproof reinforcement work with underpinning construction of an established structure, it is very likely that I give the influence for the livability. Here, I show the nois/a vibration measurement result at the time of foundation work in the seismic isolation retrofit of the main building of the National Museum of Western Art main building which I carried out in 1997 and, about the noise, compare it with recommendation value of dB(A) of the occupied room noise by 1,988. Beranek and grasp noise environment by a measurement result of the noise in each floor by each work process. According to the encouragement value of dB(A) of the indoor noise of occupied by Beranek, 1988, it is thought that execution in the range that considered noise environment by being almost lower than 50dB(A) in a floor leaving more than the second floor is possible.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2005-12-20
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