「トルコ国民」概念とユダヤ教徒 : トルコの反ユダヤ主義を中心に
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This study explores some of the core elements of anti-semitism in modern Turkey with special reference to Pan-Turkism and Islamism. Despite the fact that Turkish republic was established as nation-state with civic nationalism, which, theoretically speaking, treats all nations within the border as equal citizens, the Jews have been excluded from the boundary of the definition of Turkish citizens. Relying on some recent studies on Turkish nationalism and on the relationship between the Turkish government and minority groups, this paper examines how Pan-Turkist and Islamist intellectuals have presented the Jews in their works and contends that the Jews have been regarded as the people deviating from the three components of the definition of the Turkish nation, that is, ethnicity, religion, and territoriality.
- 書評と紹介 ソネル・チャアプタイ『現代トルコにおけるイスラム,世俗主義とナショナリズム--トルコ人とは誰か』 Soner Cagaptay, Islam, secularism, and nationalism in modern Turky: Who is a Turk?
- トルコ共和人民党のイデオロギー変容(1965-1980) : ケマリズム、ポピュリズム、社会民主主義
- 「トルコ国民」概念とユダヤ教徒 : トルコの反ユダヤ主義を中心に
- トルコにおける反イラク戦争抗議運動 : イベント分析による考察
- 国際関係理論におけるナショナリズム研究
- ペリグリン・シュワルツ・シェ著 『政治学において解釈的手法をどう教えるか : 承認と正当性への挑戦』
- Ali Carkoglu and Ersin Kalaycioglu, Turkish Democracy: Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society, London: I.B. Tauris, 2007, 256pp.
- 学界動向 米国の中東研究--ユタ大学における中東研究事情と国際シンポジウム紹介を中心に