- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The purpose of the present study was to discuss physical constitution and fitness in relation to swimming performance in young swimmers. 2) Thirteen healthy boys aged 10~12 years old volunteered for this study. All were active, and had engaged in systematic swimming training for at least 2.5 years. After a complete and accurate verbal description of the procedures, and the risks and benefits associated with the study, subjects provided written imformed consent. 3) After some anthropometric measurments, subjects completed, selected physical fitness tests, 50 m crawl swimming, two power tests on a swim bench and Cybex machine, and some swimming performance tests in a swim mill. 4) The following factors were shown to have significantly correlation to swimming ability: length of body parts, general muscular strength, flexion strength of arms measured on Cybex machine, muscle power on swim bench and surplus propulsive power in a swim mill. 5) Among all indicators of swimming ability the item which showed the most significant relation was surplus propulsion. 6) This study showed that tests performed in the water were better predictors of swimming ability of young swimmers than dry land tests of muscular strength and physical fitness.
論文 | ランダム
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