Multiple Scattering Approach to the Theory of Angular Dependence of K-edge X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
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We discuss the angular-dependent K-edge X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra based on the semi-relativistic short-range order full multiple-scattering theory, where 2-spinor formalism is used to describe spin-orbit coupling and spin-dependent exchange scattering. So far, most of the theoretical approaches have been limited to the simplest case where the circularly polarized X-ray propagation coincides with the direction of the magnetic field. Here we discuss more general cases using the above theoretical approaches. In addition to the well-known angular dependence, we have a new term with different angular dependence. This term can provide useful information on the symmetry lowering of magnetic atoms around the X-ray absorbing atom. This effect is expected to be experimentally observed. We separately discuss atomic, single and full multiple-scattering XMCD spectra, in particular, the anisotropic features of them are studied in detail. We found the spin-orbit coupling at neighboring atoms plays a minor role; however, spin-dependent exchange scatterings plays an important role in XMCD analyses. [DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.41.2005]
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2002-04-15
藤川 高志
藤川 高志
Fujikawa Takayuki
Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address) Displa
Graduate School of Advanced Integration of Science, Chiba University
Graduate School for Science, Chiba University
Nagamatsu Shin-ichi
Graduate School For Science Chiba University
Fujikawa Takashi
Graduate School Of Advanced Integration Of Science Chiba University
Fujikawa Takashi
Graduate School For Science Chiba University
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