環境に配慮した新機能性斜面緑化工法 : 岩盤斜面とモルタル吹付け斜面の追跡調査(<小特集>環境の保全と創生)
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of recycling wastes, 'Miracle Sol' (Foamed Waste Glass or FWG), a new material made from waste glass, has been developed. FWG is now utilized in engineering works as a new material. The advantage of FWG is the lightweight combined with stiffness because it is multi-porous structure. This paper focuses on the example vegetation works on rock-mass slope and mortared slope as a new functional slope vegetation system using FWG with high water absorption ratio. Using this slope vegetation system contributes to protection and creation of both human and global environment by effective utilization of recycled material made from wastes.
- 社団法人地盤工学会の論文
- 2007-07-01
- 発生土および廃棄物の地盤工学的処理と有効利用 : 5. 廃棄物の地盤工学的特性
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- 平成12年度指定研究概要報告
- 566 中国・江南の土〓墓 (どとんぼ) について
- 有明粘土の生石灰による改良効果に及ぼす有機物と塩分の影響
- 軟弱な建設発生土・有明粘土の地盤材料化への試み : フライアッシュ・発泡廃ガラス材・生石灰の混合
- 生石灰とポゾラン材料添加による建設発生土(有明粘土)の強度発現特性