知識ベース群知能ロボットシステムの研究 : 生産ラインでの自律的工程編成の研究(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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In this paper, we have discussed on the effect of the knowledge sharing for the multiple robot system which is equipped with the advanced telecommunication systems. These days, the broad bandwidth telecommunication method has been brought into the world of robotics. This has enabled the mobile robots to have advanced communication tools. This is not only for master's or administrator's command but for the exchange of the knowledge obtained through the operation. This knowledge sharing system will realize the evolution of the knowledge level of the entire module group and help the equalization of the intelligence level. Therefore, we propose the utilization of the knowledge sharing robot system at manufacturing scenes, and demonstrate the effectiveness by the balancing procedure. Utilizing this knowledge sharing system, we have recognized the system's effective performance in autonomous and cooperative behavior at production line, and consequently, the feasibility of the cost reduction and improvement of the efficiency.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-06-25
- 知識ベース群知能ロボットシステムの研究 : 生産ラインでの自律的工程編成の研究(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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