一七二五年の麦芽税事件について : 合同後のグラスゴウにおける群衆と「革命派」
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The malt tax riots, which broke out in June 1725 in Glasgow with a general discontent at the imposition of the malt tax, has long attracted some attention of historians. From the viewpoint of recent development of political and social history, however, it has been investigated unsatisfactorily. This article deals with the malt tax riots and focuses on its two aspects : the actual situation of the three-day disturbances, that is, actions of the crowd and measures taken by the Glasgow magistrates, and a war of words that surrounded the riots. In the disturbances, crowd abused the excise officers and interfered violently with the officers' work to gauge the malts. They also attacked the neo-palladian house of Daniel Campbell of Shawfield, MP for Glasgow burghs, and it was completely demolished. Two troops, sent from Edinburgh in advance to assist the excise officers, shot at the crowd that allegedly threatened the troops. Some were killed on the spot, and the crowd became extremely enraged. In this field of hostility emerged a bitter friction between the local community and the representation of the state force. The provost chose to take sides with the local community, and issued some instruction to a captain of the train bands of the town to pursue the troops. In the war of words, the pro-government press represented Glasgow as disaffected, while pro-Glaswegian writers campaigned for and exploited Glasgow's loyalism to the Revolution settlement and the Hanoverian monarchy to justify the town. The magistrates of Glasgow were supported by the people by reason of their conduct during the disturbances, creating the solidarity of the town. The disturbances functioned as an integrative factor. The self-appointed name of the magistrates, 'the Revolutioners', epitomized the solidarity and loyalism of the town.
- 2007-04-20
- 一七二五年の麦芽税事件について : 合同後のグラスゴウにおける群衆と「革命派」
- David Bates and Kazuhiko Kondo (eds.), Migration and Identity in British History : Proceedings of the Fifth Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians, 二〇〇六刊, A4, 三〇〇頁
- 歴史をとおして現代をみる(早稲田大学史学会・連続講演会「わたしと歴史学、わたしと考古学」,彙報)
- ジョン・ブルーア著/近藤和彦編, 『スキャンダルと公共圏』, (YAMAKAWA LECTURES 1), 山川出版社, 二〇〇六・四刊, B6, 一九二頁, 一九九五円