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In this paper we aim at proposing some approaches of organization of the physical exercise curriculum and a way to improve the method of lessons in the university of sports and physical education. We investigate the following 3 points:(1)the actual conditions of the physical exercise curriculum in 18 public and private universities in Japan.(2)what sports did students of the faculty of physical education in Juntendo University learn when they were in junior high and high school? and (3)how are physical exercise planning formed in junior high and high school? Our proposals are the following on the investigation. 1) It is very important for making physical exercise curriculum that students of the university ofsports and physical education have to experience characteristics of many exercises which are needed at least for a sports leader or a physical education teacher. 2) It is inevitable for a sports leader or a physical education teacher to have experienced a lot of physical exercise sufficiently, to have learned high ability of the exercise and to have acquired excellent leading method. Therefore, taking account of his experience of exercises in his junior high and high school days, abilities should be learned about athletic sports, swimming, apparatus gymnastics and martial arts and leading methods should be learned about ball games in university lessons. 3) As sports and physical education field has a characteristics which competes for the skillfulness,we should reconsider the category of exercises and change it from the division between individual and group sports to the division that are based on the characteristics of such as follow; measurement events(athletic sports, swimming), evaluation events (apparatus gymnastics), judgment events I (ball games) and judgment events II (martial arts). And it is also important that every student can choose any category.
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