Corporate Planning System : Some Lessons from Western and Japanese Experiences and Some Suggestions to Pakistani Public Sector Enterprises
- Corporate Planning System : Some Lessons from Western and Japanese Experiences and Some Suggestions to Pakistani Public Sector Enterprises
- アジア諸国における日本企業経営の適合・不適合 : タイ王国における日系家電メーカーの事例研究
- 日比合併企業のコンフリクト発生機構とフィリピンにおける日本企業の環境対応 : 実地調査研究の中間報告
- Growing Interdependence between Japanese Companies and ANICs/ASEAN Partners
- How to Build up Corporate Survival Mechanism : -Case of ABC Auto Parts Co., Ltd.-
- Strategic Management in Major Japanese Hightech Industries--Realities and Underlying Concepts
- Evolution of Strategic Management in Japan--Past,Present and Future
- S-Triad in Japanese Manufacturers' Entry into the U.S. Market
- Evolution of Strategic Management in Japan : -Past, Present and Future-
- Strategic Management in Major Japanese Hightech Industries : -Realities and Underlying Concepts-
- Top Management Strategy for Corporate Survival/Growth : -Towards the Year 2000-
- Diversification Strategy : -The Case of Seiko Instruments & Electronics Co,, Ltd.-
- アジア諸国における日本企業経営の適合・不適合--シンガポ-ル共和国における日系先端技術メ-カ-を中心にして
- アジア諸国における日本企業経営の適合・不適合 : -シンガポール共和国における日系先端技術メーカーを中心にして-
- The Social Implications of Advanced Technology : -A View of Corporate Strategic Management-
- J.S.クリンゲンの経営戦略論(中) : -欧米の主要文献研究(2)-
- J.S.クリソゲンの経営戦略論(上) : -欧米の主要文献研究(1)-