両大戦間期における魚粉貿易の逆転 : 在来魚肥の輸出品化と欧米市場
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to examine why Japan began to export fish meal (fish guano) rather than import it during the interwar period. Japan imported fish meal in the 1920s, but exported it during the 1930s. There were both domestic and foreign factors behind this. During the 1920s, the domestic factor was the high price of Japanese fish fertilizer, and the foreign factor was the confusion in the German economy following World War I. On the other hand, during the 1930s, the domestic factor was the strong competition between fish oil cake, which was the raw material for fish meal, and other fertilizers (such as bean cake and ammonium sulfate), and the foreign factor was the increase in demand for fish meal in Europe, especially Germany, and the U.S. Most of the fish meal exported from Japan was made of fish cake, which was produced by a traditional method that had been developed in the Edo period (1603〜1867). Only a small amount of fish meal was produced by modern machines. Japan's success in exporting fish meal was achieved through an improvement in the production of traditional fish oil cake.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2004-07-25
- 日露戦争から第一次世界大戦前における日本の肥料輸入 : 国際市場との関連を中心として
- 両大戦間期における魚粉貿易の逆転 : 在来魚肥の輸出品化と欧米市場
- 落合功著, 『大久保利通』, 日本経済評論社, 2008年7月, v+242頁, 2,625円
- 高宇著, 『戦間期日本の水産物流通』, 日本経済評論社, 329頁, 2009年12月, 6,090円
- 明治後半における不正肥料問題 : 新規参入の信頼獲得と農事試験場(パネル(2)情報・信頼・市場の質,第78回全国大会小特集)
- The Attempts to Improve Fish Manure in the Early 20th Century