青い〈嫉妬〉 : 『イコノロジーア』と一五-一六世紀の色彩象徴論
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Cesare Ripa, in his Iconologia (first edition: 1593), defines Gelosia (Jealousy) as 'Donna con una veste di torchino a onde' (a woman dressed in the turquoise blue of waves). The 16th century Treatises on color symbolism of Fulvio Pellegrino Morato, Lodovico Dolce and so on, positively describe the relation of turchino to Jealousy. However, Le Blason des Couleurs (1435-58) of Sicille, had already stated: 'Le bleu signifie jalousie' (Blue signifies Jealousy), and consequently it is obvious that this symbolism existed in an earlier period in France. In 14th century France it was known that bleu signifies both the good and bad sides of love: Fidelity and Infidelity. And we can believe that also Jealousy, like Infidelity, which is considered to be an enemy of love, or a negative by-product of love, combined easily with bleu. Accordingly the idea of ambiguity of bleu came to Italy through French Literature and so on, and was introduced in the 16th century Treatises on color symbolism, and was finally applied to Gelosia of Ripa.
- 美学会の論文
- 2004-12-31
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