- 論文の詳細を見る
The quastitative condition starting flutter vibration of a pipe was studied experimentally which is caused by the flow parallel to a pipe in fluidized bed. The pipe was designed and set by wires so that it has freedom of both torsional and bending motion, which resembles to the system of the cooling pipe model used for chemical plant. The occurrence of self-excited flutter vibration was observed over the critical flow velocity in fluidized bed. The dependence of critical velocity was found to be proportional to the natural frequency of torsion. This fact is simply explained by the aeroelastic vibration theory. This vibration is a self-excited mode, which is a coupling of torsional and bending motion. From the result of the experiment, the coefficient, which determines a critical condition of flutter vibration, was obtained quantitatively.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-01-25
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