開眼イメージ法と開眼イメージ法の差異に関する研究 : 性格特性とイメージ傾向に注目して
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This study examined to open-eye visual imagery, which is known as a safety therapeutic method, and the differences between the image conditions during open-eye and closed-eye visual imagery with regard to vividness and controllability. Despite the previous study to evaluate open-eye and closed-eye visual imagery, this research has shown that there are some differences between their visual imagery, which is closely related to those in personality traits, especially with regard to neurotic tendency. In addition, administering a further questionnaire to selected subjects resulted in a new finding; namely that the relative effectiveness of open-eye visualizing and closed-eye visualizing depends to some extent on which method was perceived by the subjects as his/her favorite or as the easier method. That is, individual perceptions about these methods of visual imagery will have some effect on the subject's' degree of success with either method. When using visual imagery therapy, it would be important that we accept these personality traits and use different methods, through which clients may experience imagery in a safer and more efficient conditions.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
- PA086 中学校のSCに対するニーズとSC実践の関連
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