地域の共同性をつくる地域公民館の役割 : 今津福祉村の組織化と活動の展開
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The study of this paper has two purposes of area Kohminkans. First, it is to confirm the meaning of collaboration in community in the present-day through the activity of Imazu-Fukushimura in the Fukuoka city West Ward. 2nd, it is to consider the role of the area Kohminkan in community development. Imazu-Fukushimura is the area that the welfare facilities, the aged people facilities concentrate. Then, the persons who live in the facilities are living as the local habitants, too. The persons who have various senses of values live in Imazu, and community development of Imazu is done while admitting the variety of values. When saying this in other words, it is possible to say that community development of Imazu is basis of collaboration in community. It wants to make clear why such a thing is possible. At present, community autonomy by habitant is increasingly demanded more. It thinks that the learning at the area Kohminkan becomes the basis of community autonomy by habitants. Because of these reasons, it focuses on the area Kohminkan.1.地域の共同性と今津福祉村の現代的意義 (1)地方分権時代の地域の課題 (2)地域の共同性への着目の意味 (3)今津福祉村の現代的意義 2.今津福祉村における共同性の構築の基盤-その思想と組織- (1)今津をつなぐ福祉の思想一課題の共有化から存在の認識ヘー (2)団体・施設の関係を生み出す村議会 (3)より地域に根づく活動への契機一地域部会の設置 3.今津福祉村における地域公民館の役割 (1)ボランティアなぎさを生んだ公民館の学習 (2)人権という視点から福祉を捉えた今津人尊協の取り組み (3)施設も含めた地域全体の学習機関として 4.地域の共同性を基盤とした地域自治を目指して
- 2004-03-22