新制大学草創期の一般教育成立過程に関する研究 : 九州大学の学科課程形成とその分析を通して
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The purpose of this study is to define the formation process of general education curriculum in the beginning of the New University System. It is already well known that the Educational Reform introduced general education after the Second World War. There were various problems related to its introduction in the university. For example, teachers of general education course were lacking and the Ministry of Finance reduced expenditure of general education course. However, there were more important problems than those. The most important problem was the years required for graduation of general education course. The reason was that introduction of general education meant a decrease in the level of technical education. Of course, Kyushu University faced the above-mentioned problems too. So, a committee which was to ready a new system for the university was established in Kyushu University. The committee was named "New University System Preparatory Committee" ("Shin daigaku seido jyunbi iinkai"). The committee discussed how to include the necessary period for graduation of general education course while protecting the period required for graduation of technical education course. As a result, the departments of science, agriculture and technology decided that the required period for graduation would be two years. The reason was that they thought of general education as elementary knowledge. And the departments of literature and law decided that the required period for graduation would be one year. The reason was that they thought of general education as extensive knowledgeはじめに 1.設置認可申請書にみる一般教育学科課程の特徴 2.学科目履修方法に関する審議の背景と限界 3.準備委員会の新学制移行への葛藤と模索 (1)理系学部における修業年限をめぐる議論 (2)法文学部における修業年限をめぐる議論 結 語
- 九州大学の論文
- 2005-03-18
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- 新制大学草創期の一般教育成立過程に関する研究 : 九州大学の学科課程形成とその分析を通して
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