規範意識形成研究における2つの立場 : 公共的場面における「モラル/マナー」低下問題をめぐって
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This paper aims to examine the standpoint when we study positively the formation of norm consciousness and to consider how to make a standpoint about it under the "post-modern society". When we study the formation of norm consciousness, especially the subject is explicit norm (ex. delinquency, and deviant behavior), we generally approach from the side of society. We show rules as norm and measure the levels of "internalization" of it. It is the standpoint of epistemological "objectivism". But this approach has a serious problem, especially for implicit norm (ex. morals/manners in public places): who regard the rule as norm? Now, when the consistency of values in society dissolve and values the society possesses is pluralistic, this question shakes the basis for the study of the formation of norm consciousness. The re-examination about study of the formation of "morals/manners" in public places shows this problem clearly. Avoiding this problem, I examine the talking of the decline in "morals/manners" in public places and the structure of co-existence in public places (presented by Goffman). It suggests that we can study of (the process of) the formation of norm consciousness from the side of the actor. That is, it includes the actor's interpretive process to recognize his relevance to the subject ( = the definition of situation). It is the standpoint of epistemological "subjectivism"). Indeed it is important to study from the former standpoint, but, in the time values the society possesses is pluralistic, the latter standpoint is effective.
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