恥および罪悪感とは何か : その定義,機能,発達とは
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Human beings don't randomly arouse emotions, but sometimes arouse emotions under consciousness concerning how they are recognized by others and meet expectations in others or rules in social groups. Emotions participated consciousness what oneself ought to be. especially shame and guilt have recently been paid considerable attention. So, I discussed appraisals, emotional experience, physiological reaction, and emotional expression of shame and guilt from the latest findings, and I tried to define them. Secondly, I inscribed the differences between shame and guilt in terms of emotion function. Finally, I discuss how and when shame and guilt appear, referring to Lewis's emotion development theory.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
- 2歳児の自己意識的情動に関わる行動の個人差について
- 生後2年目後半における自他分化と社会的情動の関連性についての検討
- 生後2年目における認知発達 : 表象機能という視点からの考察
- 恥および罪悪感とは何か : その定義,機能,発達とは