Effects of Mannooligosaccharides from Coffee Mannan on Fat Storage in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet
- 論文の詳細を見る
Mice were fed either a high fat diet or a high fat diet containing 1 % mannooligosaccharides (MOS) for twelve weeks. The effects of MOS on fat accumulation and excretion were examined. After twelve weeks, the percentage weight of the fat and hepatic triglyceride level were significantly lower in the MOS group than that of the control group (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively). Furthermore, the serum triglyceride level had a decreasing tendency in the MOS group (p = 0.058). On the other hand, the fecal triglyceride level as well as the amount of fat excreted significantly increased in the MOS group (p < 0.05). This study showed that the administration of MOS lessened the fat accumulation in the parametrial adipose tissue and the liver while at the same time increased the amount of fat being excreted. These results indicate that MOS may prevent the fat storage through inhibiting the intestinal absorption of dietary fat in a high fat diet.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-06-01
Asakawa Atsushi
Research And Development Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Asakawa Atsushi
Research And Development Dept. Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Han Li-kun
R&d Laboratory Kracie Holdings Ltd.
Han Li-kun
Faculty Of Environmental And Symbiotic Sciences Prefectural University Of Kumamoto
Han Li‐kun
Prefectural Univ. Kumamoto Kumamoto Jpn
Takao Izumi
Research and Development Dept., Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc.
Fujii Shigeyoshi
Research and Development Dept., Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc.
Ishii Asako
Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Kumao Toshio
Research and Development Dept., Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc.
Ozaki Kazuto
Research and Development Dept., Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc.
Ishii Asako
Faculty Of Environmental And Symbiotic Sciences Prefectural University Of Kumamoto
Takao Izumi
R & D And Engineering Deptartment Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Kumao Toshio
R & D And Engineering Deptartment Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Kumao Toshio
Research And Development Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Ozaki Kazuto
Res. And Dev. Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Ozaki Kazuto
Research And Development Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Fujii Shigeyoshi
R & D And Engineering Deptartment Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
Fujii Shigeyoshi
Research And Development Ajinomoto General Foods Inc.
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