自生的消費者グループの環境学習 : 食品公害をなくす会の活動を中心として
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The purpose of this paper is to study the activities of one voluntarily organized consumer group, which had the aim of learning about chemically contaminated foods and environmental problems, and took action to eliminate them from our daily lives. This group was organized in 1973 and remained very active until the mid- 1980s. Since then, the activities of this group decreased gradually and the group disbanded in 2003.In this paper I examine the following. 1. Why this group was organized and what the background was. 2. How this group was organized and what the main activities of the group were. 3. The kinds of people that joined the group and what kinds of people supported it. 4. The relations between the group members and the farmers who supplied the organic, insecticide-free foods to them. 5. Why this group was disbanded. 6. The kinds of lessons we can learn from the activities of this group.
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