Elevated Plasma Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type-1 is an Independent Predictor of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction in Hypertension
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Background Elevated plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1) is related to cardiovascular events, but its role in subclinical coronary microvascular dysfunction remains unknown. Thus, in the present study it was investigated whether elevated plasma PAI-1 activity is associated with coronary microvascular dysfunction in hypertensive patients. Methods and Results Thirty patients with untreated essential hypertension and 10 age-matched healthy controls were studied prospectively. Myocardial blood flow(MBF) was measured by using 150-water positron emission tomography. Clinical variables associated with atherosclerosis(low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein(HDL)-cholesterol, triglyceride, homeostasis model assessment(HOMA-IR), and PAI-1 activity) were assessed to determine their involvement in coronary microvascular dysfunction. Adenosine tripho- sphate(ATP)-induced hyperemic MBF and coronary flow reserve(CFR) were significantly lower in hypertensive patients than in healthy controls(ATP-induced MBF: 2.77±0.82 vs 3.49±0.71ml・g^<-1>・min^<-1>; p<0.02 and CFR: 2.95±1.06 vs 4.25±0.69; p<0.001). By univariate analysis, CFR was positively correlated with HDL-cholesterol(r=0.46, p<0.02), and inversely with HOMA-IR(r=-0.39, p<0.05) and PAI-1 activity(r=-0.61, p<0.001). By multivariate analysis, elevated PAI-1 activity remained a significant independent determinant of diminished CFR. Conclusions Elevated plasma PAI-1 activity was independently associated with coronary microvascular dysfunction, which suggests that plasma PAI-1 activity is an important clue linking hypofibrinolysis to the development of atherosclerosis.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2007-02-20
Tsukamoto Takahiro
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Morita Koichi
Morita Koichi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Morita K
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nakata Tomoaki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medicine University
Furumoto Tomoo
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Naya Masanao
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University
Tamaki Nagara
Hokkaido University School Of Medicine Department Of Tracer Kinetics And Department Of Nuclear Medic
Katoh C
Department Of Health Science Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Togashi Hiroko
Safety Research Institute For Chemical Compounds
Tsukamoto Takahiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Morita Ken
Section Of Urology Kushiro City General Hospital
Katoh Chietsugu
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Tamaki Nagara
Hokkaido University Nuclear Medicine
Fujii Satoshi
Cardiology Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
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