A modulus of uniform continuity with some order in $L^s_{loc}(\Omega ; R^N) (2 \le s \le \infty)$ and a sharp estimate of $Lebesque points$ of the first-derivatives of minimizers of a Quasi-convex functional in the calculus of variations
堀畑 和弘
堀畑 和弘
Department of Mathematics, Facutly of Science and Technology, Keio University
- On discrete Morse semi-flow (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- Nonlinear Fefferman-Phongの不等式とGinzburg-Landau Systemへの応用 (調和解析学と非線形偏微分方程式)
- A modulus of uniform continuity with some order in $L^s_{loc}(\Omega ; R^N) (2 \le s \le \infty)$ and a sharp estimate of $Lebesque points$ of the first-derivatives of minimizers of a Quasi-convex functional in the calculus of variations
- On Higher Differentiability and Partial Regularity if the Minimizers in the Calculus of Variations(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)