G133 融点の幅が広いパラフィンワックスの蓄放熱特性に関する研究(一般セッション 物性)
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The high efficient co-generation system called DREAMS (Distributed Residential Energy with Advanced Management System) is proposed to a multiple dwelling house. The key technology of this system is to connect home and home with one loop of heat transfer line of one inch diameter, and to level the heat demand by a heat storage unit in each house. This system require compact and high response heat storage unit. To increase heat storage density, a use of phase change material, paraffin wax, is examined. In this case, suitable melting point should be selected in each user, because the temperature of hot water to each user may be different. In this study, solidifying characteristics of three kinds of paraffin wax were visualized by using a transparent small vessel, and a numerical simulation based on thermal conductivity model, in which the latent heat of the phase change material was considered as overall specific heat by DSC measures, and the results were compared with the experimental results.
- 2005-11-02
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- G133 融点の幅が広いパラフィンワックスの蓄放熱特性に関する研究(一般セッション 物性)
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